Meet Sheena, Nate, their dog Luna and their bus 'Stud'. Sheena and Nate met while Nate was living van-life. Sheena was always interested in van-life, but was nervous to jump in as a solo female. She and Nate hit it off and she moved into the van pretty quickly.

They loved their setup, until the engine broke down for a 2nd time. They made the decision not to rebuild it again and to jump into bus-life instead. They purchased a Diesel 2002 E450 short bus and with the Diesel engine, they should get many good years out of it.

Sheena is a physical therapist who transitioned into a traveling role with 3 month contracts and Nate is in the cannabis industry. They're able to live, work and travel with an ever changing view... What a life.

I'm Sheena and I'm Nate and this is stud the bus so we have 2002 Ford e450 it is a 7-3 Power Stroke diesel it's the best Ford engine that Ford has ever made it's guaranteed for about a five hundred thousand miles if it's well taken care of that's why we went it with uh with adiesel engine bus because we wanted it to be to last long and have the least amount of problems.
Enjoy our full Tour
